I'm not entering my 3rd month of doing paid surveys and cash offers online. So far here are my totals with 5 different sites...
1) Cash Crate: By far my biggest earning potential. I'm at over $137, plus I'm in the running for a $25 amazon gift card with their crates contest, and i've earned enough points for a $20 gift card of my choice.
2) Opinion Outpost: (Fewer opportunities, but they pay really well. I've completed a couple of $6.00 surveys with them that took about 20 minutes total): $47.00
3) SurveyHead: Tons of opportunities that pay between $1.00-$20.00. So far I've made $52.00 with them
4) Inbox dollars: A good idea, but I'm not crazy about these guys. Earnings are slow and they only pay $.50 per survey, though there's no limit to how many you can complete and get paid for per day. So far I've made over $30, but I'm not actively earning more. I'm keeping "active" by reading emails just to ensure they send my check!
5) Valued Opinions: These guys don't pay cash, they send you vouchers for gift cards. I've earned over $23 from them, but a lot of it is in pending still (about $10). I'll update as soon as I receive compensation from them!
All those rewards aren't bad for some spare time work! I've tried Survey Savvy and Survey Spot, but I wasn't thrilled by them. Survey Spot has a lot of surveys that don't pay, and Survey Savvy really didn't send me any opportunities.
Email me with questions. Sign up for cash crate by clicking my banner, and i'll give you total guidance to reach your earnings potential. It's fun :)